Monday, October 8, 2007

Thesis and 2 Points

Introduced in 1965, the Immigration Reform Act had a lasting positive change on the neighborhood structure of Jackson Heights by creating a highly diverse population of immigrants.

2 Points of Evidence:
Vacant homes were sold to immigrant buyers who needed decent affordable housing near public transportation.
Immigrants helped recreate the business district of Jackson Heights by moving into the neighborhood and restarting businesses that were once abandoned.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Interview in Jackson Heights

Everyone I asked seemed suspicious of this and wanted to look at the questions. After being turned away several times, I finally found this gem of an individual to take a few minutes to answer my questions.

1.) Do you live in Jackson Heights?


2.) For how long?

About a year. A little less than a year.

3.) What area of J.H. do you live in?

I live on 103rd St. It's ok.

4.) What attracts you to J.H.?

It's always busy here, I like that. I lived in a boring place before. There's more here.

5.) Were you born in NYC?


6.) How long ago did you move here and from where?

I came here when I was young, from Mexico.

7.) Which cultural group do you relate to?


8.) Do you feel any specific cultural group is more dominant here in J.H.?

No, it seems basically even I think. None more than the other.

9.) How do you feel different groups interact with one another here?

I think everyone gets along.

10.) What cultural changes have you noticed/ experienced while living in J.H.?

Not much, I don't think so.

11.) Have you experienced any cultural difficulty or conflict with another culture here?

None that I can think of. I'd say none.

12.) What have you noticed of the fluctuation of cultural groups here?

Seems level.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Questions of the Interview

1.) What cultural changes have you witnessed/experienced while living in Jackson Heights?

2.) What area do you live in?

3.) Which culture do you most identify with?

4.) How long have you lived in Jackson Heights?

5.) How you experienced any cultural conflict while in Jackson Heights?

6.) What attracts you to this neighborhood?

7.) What changes have you experienced concerning the ethnic groups here?

8.) How do you feel all the different ethnic groups of Jackson Heights deal with each other(+/-)?

9.) Were you born in NY?

10.) What ethnic group do you feel is dominant in Jackson Heights?